Thursday, January 23rd, 2025

What if YOU were a “Digital Landlord”?

Ready-to-Go ‘Digital Storefronts’

They say a picture is worth a thousand words…

Well, this picture is worth $2,000.00 exactly! 

These two checks belong to a guy called Brian, and his backstory is pretty interesting…

Last year when the pandemic hit, Brian was preparing to lose his job at a local auto dealership.  

And, because life has this SUPERfun way of kicking you while you’re down, his leases on his apartment and car were up too. 

Basically, Brian had to figure out a way to make money fast or he’d be moving back home with mom…at 33 years old!

Meanwhile, a little while before that, a guy called Peter Beattie had ALSO lost his job in architecture and started his digital agency to try and make it big online. 

Little did they know their worlds were about to collide and create something HUGE. 

And now, it directly impacts YOU!

For everything Brian didn’t have, like a job, house, or car… 

He did have one thing – his head screwed on! 

He noticed a huge shift in people’s shopping habits since the events of 2020…

People didn’t want to go into stores to buy products anymore when they could just get them delivered to their doors. 

The problem? 

A lot of local businesses had websites (albeit poor ones), but most had no capacity to sell their products or services through those websites. 

That’s when Brian reached out to the now 7-figure online business building expert Peter Beattie for help…

…and the “Digital Landlord Agency” was BORN. 

The business model is simple:

You build “Digital Storefronts” for local businesses needing to come out of the dark ages and start selling their products & services online.

Brian charges a $5k setup fee, and believe it or not, he’s not done there…

Then he upsells them into a 1k/month “maintenance package” for recurring income or “RENT.” 

Getting the whole digital landlord thing yet?! 

Now, here’s the best part:

This business model was working super well DURING the pandemic… now, POST-PANDEMIC it is blowing up!

Local businesses are BEGGING Brian to set up their digital storefronts AND FAST. 

Which is fine because what he’s doing requires ZERO technical skills or marketing experience…

(…it’s only about 5 hours of work per week…) 

Mainly because the entire process can be 100% automated – including client generation and even setup of the online stores.

I know what you’re thinking: 

$1,000 isn’t crazy numbers, right?


Until you realize, you only need to RENT OUT 5-7 “Digital Storefronts” (which is a breeze), to bring in $120,000.00/year working just a few hours per week…

…compared to a normal 40 hr work week at a “regular” 9-5 job. 

And, there’s no real CAP on how many clients you can have at any one time because the setup is SO fast! 

Want a piece of this seriously LUCRATIVE pie yourself? 

Well, I’m happy to announce that Brian’s mentor Peter Beattie has teamed up with Todd Gross to bring the world’s FIRST Turn-key “Digital Landlord Agency” platform to JVZoo.

It’s called: “The 7 Day Digital Landlord”.

“The 7 Day Digital Landlord: CRACKED WIDE OPEN! The World’s FIRST Turnkey ‘Digital Landlord Agency’ Platform Quickly Builds and RENTS Ready-to-Go ‘Digital Storefronts’ To Businesses For Recurring 4 Figure Rental Payments In Just A Few Clicks!”

(NO Meeting With Clients, NO Skills Needed, 100% Newbie Friendly!)


You know what this means, don’t you? 

This is your chance to be a hero to local businesses by helping them offer touchless online ordering to their customers so they can sell their products AND services online to truly THRIVE in this new economy…

…ALL while earning easy $1,000 checks like Brian, month in, month out! 

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